December 12, 2024
Conversion killers

I am always amazed by peoples choices… especially when they cost them a lot of money.

Why would you use an iframe as a form when that can lead to this (your most important content not loading on a 3k product)? Why would you use Wordpress when you know the average Wordpress website is 33% heavier, which leads to slow loads and poor conversion? Why would you use a slow and heavy Javascript or CSS framework? You are wasting conversion. You are wasting money.

I guess that the iframe form on the 3k product page decreases conversion by 5%. Let us assume they do around 20 of these projects per year. In that case their poor judgement is costing them 3k euro. The funny thing is that I know for a fact they own all software to fix this and they have the technical knowledge to foresee and test these things.

But the same is true for using Javascript and CSS frameworks. Slow loading will cost you a significant percentage of your conversion. Let’s say your company is using Wordpress and Visual Composer for its homepage and has a turnover of 2 million euro. If your page loads in more than three seconds, this will probably cost you 5% in conversion as well, which equals to a whopping 100k euro, every year!

But even if your company has a turnover of just 150k, a 5% difference could still mean 7.5k euro. I can improve your conversion and make your website lightning fast for way less. Interested? Contact me!

()  Joost van der Schee

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